Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It has been a beautiful week here in the Quad Cities. A decent amount of rain has awakened the flora, and cooled things off considerably. We got that new central air installed just in time for this open-window weather!! I don't mind though. I'm happy to say that this month's electric bill is half of what I payed last month. That new high efficiency system is making a huge difference. This nice weather means that I can focus on some outdoor projects around the house that I've been stalling on. Landscaping, sidewalks, roofing, new porch, etc... And walks down the street to the neighborhood park with Laney. She loves that park. The only problem is getting her to leave! The parks here in the QC are awesome, I have to say. The riverfront is one long park from our house in downtown Bettendorf all the way to and past downtown Davenport, a little over five miles. It's a great walk or bike ride, with the path right on the water. The other day I was on the path, and watching a freight barge, the Celebration Belle, our huge paddle-wheeler, and some pleasure craft sharing the beautiful Mississippi. There were many others enjoying the path, going for their morning run or bike ride. On the other side of the path is the riverfront highway, US67. Traffic was bustling by, and then a freight train came rolling through, right alongside the path. I was compelled to just sit down on a tree-shaded bench, and take in all the activity that surrounded me. With the skyline of downtown Davenport reflected in the water, the beautiful Arsenal Island riverfront across the river from me, with all it's historic structures lining the waterfront, I was taken back by the beauty, and liveliness, of this place. I drive this route every day to go to school, but I don't really appreciate it. i'm focused on driving, with NPR on the radio, or going over my studies in my head. It was a totally different perspective on something so seemingly familiar. I caught myself wishing that I had more time to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. Then I realized that I do. There's just so much to appreciate, it took me this long to get to the riverfront path. Of course I've been there before, but I guess I wasn't in the right mindset to truly appreciate it. Like the time I tried jogging. Nothing like the feeling of an impending heart attack to ruin a zen moment! I was definitely not built for jogging. I think the j is silent, like yogging. It's new. yeah, not for me, not so much.
Then there was the last time that I took Laney down there. I thought she was going to follow that flock of geese right into the river! That girl has no fear. I never did either, until she was born... Now I 'm starting to understand my mother's perpetual worrying... It's caring. I guess it takes being a parent to really get it. Now I regret a lot of my daredevil youth, not for the experiences (which were awesome, injuries aside) or for the outcome (hey, I'm still alive, and I turned out alright..., right?) but for the worry and stress I know I put mom through. And she did so well with it. Never over-protective, she let me run and do and be, with such grace. Now, being a dad, and getting just a glimpse of the trials ahead, I'm in awe. Thanks Mom.

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