Monday, May 16, 2011

Lots of tests and practicals this week!

I just finished two back to back. Had a mideterm test in visceral disorders. It was mainly on CBC (complete blood count blood indices test) with all the anemias and leukemias. But there was urine on the test too. Well, not literally... The first test was over UA (urinalysis) and everything it can uncover, and there were several review questions of that material on this test, especially because several diseases can cause abnormal findins on a CBC and a UA, so cross-correalation is important. Radiographic findings also relate to alot of things we look for when we order lab work too, so that is on the visceral disorders tests too. I'm definitely at a point in the curriculum where it's critical to put together all the seemingly disjointed material covered in dozens of other classes. DOn't think for a second that once you get through an anatomy or physiology course, and pass the class, that you're done with that material. Besides having to know it for Boards, you really need to know it to be a competent doctor!

After that test I had to take a Pelvic class practical. This one focused on being presented with a mock patient, with films and physical findings. and then having to determine listings, best adjustment, pre and post checks, care plan, and patient instructions. I missed one silly point because I accidnetally said ASIS when I meant to say PSIS. (These are bony landmarks of the pelvis, one is on the front of your body and the other on your low back. Obviously I didn't have them confused, just my Dislexia kicking in at a very inoportune time!Oh well just one point.

I've got an exam in Intro to Clinic wednesday, and a clinical psychology test thursday. Friday I'm delivering a 20 minute presentation on the social implications of Hepatitis B in my Social Aspects of Epidemics undergrad class. I also have a group investing project that I'm involved with in my Economics undergrad class.

Like I said, busy week!

Not to mention I'm putting up 200 feet of privacy fence, stick-built (not pre-fab panels, but piece by piece), scraping, priming and painting the garage, tilling and reseeding the yard, while I have several indoors renovation projects going on too, like hardwood flooring and tile throughout the entire house, etc...

Life is never dull!

Well, gotta go to extremities class to play with stinky feet.

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