Sunday, July 18, 2010

A busy break, a new trimester

Well finals went great for me. I did well in all my classes last tri, and am eager to get into the next round.

Break was busy! We hit the road to go to Minneapolis to pick up our son from his aunt's house there, along with his cousin. We we're taking them with us to my mom's summer residence on Washington Island, Door County, Wisconsin . It's been our family vacation for the last three years in a row now. We had a great time. The boys had run of the island on their bikes, and we enjoyed just relaxing and hanging out with my mom and step-dad. It was just what we needed to recharge our batteries before starting a new term.

Classes are going to be great this tri. I'm in cervical adjusting class, NMS 1, which focuses on diagnosis of disease and disorders of the head, neck, and upper extremity. Also in Physiotherapy 1, OB/Pediatrics, Sports Injuries and Marketing which are both Bachelor of Science courses, and Chiropractic Phylosophy IV. A very full schedule for being a reduced load! Oh well I like being busy...

First weekend back in school and a friend I met at Palmer and I went to a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers concert at the United Center in downtown Chi-town (Chicago, IL) where the Bulls play. It was an awesome concert. I've been a big fan of his since I was a kid. The firswt time I saw him in concert I was 19 years old, 1994. He rocks. We had fun checking out Chicago. Great food at a little Italian bistro called Bice, and great live blues at B.L.U.E.S , a bar thats been rocking live shows every night since sometime in the seventies. Very authentic, gritty, true blues bar. It was atruly cool place but we didn't last very long there though before we had to crash. Not 21 anymore... Just as well to get a decent night's sleep and get home at a decent time today to spend what's left of my weekend with my family.

Speaking of which I need to log off and go help Kristi give Lani her bath. That tends to be a joint effort these days...

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