Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On why I chose chiropactic, Palmer, and a reduced class load!

Hi everyone, Jon here. It's my first blog entry. We'll see how this goes, as I started using email just a few years ago and am far from figuring out my Facebook page! Technology is moving faster than I can keep up with... darn that's something my Gramma would say...

Well a quick introduction is in order I guess. I'm a fifthish tri student. I say fifthish as I'm on an individualized schedule, and am finished with fourth tri and taking some, not all, of the fifth tri courses. My original class is finishing ninth tri; they're almost done! I took two trimesters off after the birth of my daughter, as did my wife, who is also a student (and fellow Palmer blogger Kristi.) We're a bit older than the typical Palmer student (if there is such a thing!) mid thirties, second career. I was in sales for the last decade or so, after majoring in art in undergrad straight out of highscool. I love to paint in watercolors, used to paint in oils, do large murals, bronze sculpture, drawing, printmaking...OK pretty much all art mediums at one point or another. I've owned and operated two art studio/galleries, the more recent one in Davenport's awesome Bucktown Center for the Arts right downtown on the river, a short walk from Palmer. I love art, but honestly I go crazy spending hours in a studio by myself; I need human interaction! Probably why I gravitated to sales when art wasn't paying the bills. The fast pace, unique challenges, and constant new faces appealed to me (as did the paycheck ;-)) but after several years of success, honestly I was getting bored, and feeling unfulfilled. I knew I wanted to help people, and in a more meaningful way than what I was doing.

I struggled for a while figuring out what it was I wanted to do with my life. I had a great job, a home on the beach in beautiful Saint Augustine, Florida (closest place to paradise in the states!) but I was not happy. As i said before, I wanted something more meaningful for my life. I looked into a few different career choices, but nothing felt like the perfect fit. I considered being a medical doctor, but it wasn't a good match as I've had a lifelong aversion to medicine. I've never trusted pills! Oh and I hate blood, other people's, that is. I'm fine with my own but the sight of someone bleeding has always made me queezy. I thought about being a psychiatrist 'til I seriously reviewed my own psyche...yikes! After thinking about how physical therapy got me through a long recovery from a nasty head-on collision years ago, I seriously contemplated that route. I shadowed therapists and quickly found an industry dictated to by big hospitals and big insurance, with practically no opportunity to run my own business. I'm very independent, and didn't like the idea of working for someone else the rest of my life. I knew I wanted to run my own show, so to speak, and to not be limited in what I could do to help someone.

I was getting very frustrated in my career search. Then the most fortuitous thing happened... I herniated a disc in my back again. I know, hardly fortuitous! It had happened a few years before, and I was transported by ambulance to the hospital, where they pumped me full of morphine and tried to talk me into a spinal fusion surgery. I laid in that hospital bed for five days thinking the whole time "there's got to be a better way!" I didn't get the surgery, I just let my body heal itself. I had never been to a chiropractor, and knew nothing about it. All I knew is my dad called them "quacks" and "witchdoctors". My brother's father-in-law is a chiro, and my brother and his wife had recently enrolled in Palmer when I hurt myself that first time. When it happened, I called my brother and asked him what I should do, and he said "Call an ambulance!" In his defense, I was paralyzed in pain, in a contorted position on my kitchen floor, and halfway across the country. Chiropractic care never came up the first time, but then at that point I wasn't looking for a change in career, so maybe it was for a reason.

Anyway, the second time it happened I was in my hometown of Peoria, Illinois, where my brother's father-in-law has a practice. I was staying at my dad's house, and he found me stuck in the same awkward position faceplanted on the floor. He took me straight to Doc's office. I couldn't believe it, as he always called them quacks. Turns out my dad had been going to Doc for the same problem, seems I inherited my dad's back problems. I guess my brother had talked him into seeing Doc and he had worked wonders for him. My dad assured me that Doc would "fix me right up". He had to practically carry me in, I was in so much pain. I had my first chiropractic adjustment, and I'm not exagerating when I say I cried in amazement and relief, and stood right up from his table with no pain. I was shocked. It was an awesome, life-changing experience. I've always thought highly of Doc as a person. He's a great guy, fun to talk to and hang out with. My brother lucked out with the in-laws! But here I saw him in a completely new light. I saw him at work. He quickly calmed me down as soon as I was in his office. He assured me he could help. He was completely confident, and knew exactly what to do. With nothing but his hands he healed me instantly. I told him so and his reply was simply "You healed yourself, kid, I just helped." I didn't know what on earth he was talking about at the time, but now I get it. Anyway, I instantly knew what I wanted to do with my life. I was scared to leap in, though. I was reluctant to follow in my little brother's footsteps. I was uncertain what a career in chiropractic really meant. It took me about six months to come to a firm decision after that adjustment. I went to see Doc for an adjustment once a week during that time, each time becoming more confident it was what I wanted to do.

I researched several schools, even though Doc's a Palmer grad and my brother was going there, I had to be sure it was the best school for me. It came down to Palmer Davenport and Palmer Florida, after ruling out several other chiropractic colleges. The Florida campus is only about forty miles down the coast from my home there, so location was a strong motivator for that campus. Family is close in both places, so that didn't help me with a decision. I liked everything about the Florida campus, actually. It's a great school.

Ultimately though, I was drawn to the history of the Fountainhead. It all started here. There's something comforting in that. Like somehow being in these halls, I'm getting the whole picture, an unsullied perspective. All the chiropractic schools have their own strengths, their own gifts to offer. They all produce members of the world's truest healing art, and therefore all have a profound impact on humanity. But to me there's just something about being here where it all started... speaks to the history buff in me I guess.

Well anyway I've got another great reason for being happy with my decision. I met my wife here. She was my admissions rep! My brother introduced me to her, as she helped him and his wife into Palmer. He told me she was great, that i would like her...he had no idea! (Or maybe he did...) She told me she was starting the program in July of '07. She asked me when I would like to start and I told her as soon as possible! It was December of '06. I needed I'm not kidding ALL of my science prereq's. She helped me get my prereq's squared away at the community college here, Scott. In six months' time I took gen. bio., human bio, physics I and II, chemistry, organic chemistry, I'm forgeting now what else and oh yah CLEPed three classes. It ended up being around 35 credits in six months. Decent preparation for the pace of first tri! Except that Kristi and I decided to get married two days before starting Palmer, and found out two weeks later that she was pregnant!!!! Lot of changes in a few weeks! New home (well, an old home I'm renovating...future blog), new wife, new step-son, new endeavor, new baby on the way, NEW LIFE! Oh and I LOVE being a daddy and my daughter is the most beautiful, sweet, sassy, and gifted two year old the world has ever seen but that's a future post....

Though juggling it all has been a constant struggle, and at one point I left Palmer frustrated for a while to try to earn money to support the family, I can honestly say I wouldn't change any of it. It's been one heck of a journey, and I'm only halfway through! Then it's on into the great unknown of life in practice, which I keenly anticipate! I'm learning that so much of the education I receive is what I choose to receive. What I mean by that is what lies beyond the scheduled classes. The choice to really learn. When you make a conscious decision to make the most out of an educational experience, it opens so many doors to new opportunities. I'm telling you, you can get the world's best education and preparation here if you choose to. Make the most of your time here, and with all your endeavors. It's your life now as much as it will be when you're graduated and working. The happiest students here, and I'm sure anywhere, are the ones who have figured that out. It's just dawning on me, guess I'm a slow learner...Anyway if you choose a life of chiropractic you choose a life of learning. It doesn't end with a diploma and a license, it begins!

OK I think I've waxxed phylosophy long enough for one evening! Did I say "quick introduction" at the beginning of this?! Jeez!! I thought I was going to talk about finals this week! Oh well, next post I guess...